Warsaw Autumn
Meeting, course for young composers
Lecture with Composers Zygmunt Krauze ( Poland ), Louis Andriessen ( Netherlands )
Meeting, course for young composers
Lecture with Composers Zygmunt Krauze ( Poland ), Louis Andriessen ( Netherlands )
Discussion on conference theme "notations",
Sonata for two Executioners ( Faradj Karaev )
Two Frescoes 2000
WP: Arcana Ensemble , cond. Rossano Pinelli, Italy/Breshia
Two pieces 2001
Duisburg Student Ensemble, cond. Bernhard Wambach, Berlin/Germany
Two Fragments (2002)
for soprano and chamber ensemble
Ensemble Con Tempo
Ministry of Youth, Sport and Tourism of Azerbaijan
For achievements in the field of musical art in 2005, Rufat Khalilov was awarded the Youth Prize in the nomination " Best Piece of the Year"
"No Comment" for Chamber orchestra,piano and tape
Cond.Volodimir Runchak
Chamber and Organ Music Hall
Dialogue of Sounds ( 2008 )
" Con Tempo" ensemble, cond. Volodimir Runchak
Chamber and Organ Music Hall
No comment ( 2011 ) for string orchestra, piano and type
“Camerats of Kiev” string orchestra of Ukraine, cond. Valeriy Matyuchin
Presentation “ Jangi” Ü. Hajibeyli-I.Hacibeyli
National Music School "Lubomir Pipkov",Sofia, Bulgaria
Sonatina ( 2004 )
Rufat Khalilov ( Piano )
National Music School "Lubomir Pipkov", Sofia, Bulgaria
Heyrati ( 2009 ) for symphony orchestra
Ü. Hajibeyli Azerbaijan State Symphony Orchestra, conductor Rauf Abdullaev
Presentation documentary film ( with Centro Studi Italy )
Composers union of Azerbaijan, large hall
Illusionist ( for flute solo )
Funeral songs for deceased Chairman ( for clarinet and piano )
Baku Music Academy, Large hall
Labyrinth for two
Ensemble Ecoute :guitar Christoph Jäggin & flute Avital Cohen ( Switzerland )
Kammermusik- und Orgelhalle
" Elegie" ( Text : Franz Kafka ) UA.
für Sopran und Gitarre
Ensemble Ecoute
"Paraphrase" W.P.
for Accordion
Valentin Metzger ( Germany )
Kunsthaus Villa Jauss
" Capriccio " for piano and chamber orchestra W.P.
Zakir Asadov ( piano ), cond. Orkhan Hashimov
Azerbaijan State Philhamonic Hall
2 Frescoes for vln.,vla.,vcl. and pr.piano
Soloists of Cadenza Contemporary Orchestra
Large Hall of Baku Museum Centre